zeiss touit 12mm fuji gebraucht
Some of the latest released cameras with Fujifilm X lens mount are Fujifilm X-T30 II, Fujifilm X-E4 and Fujifilm X-S10. $798.00. When paired with the IBIS of the new X-T4, the XF 16mm f/2.8 will gain upwards of 6.5 stops. Compared to the Fuji XF 14mm f/2.8 R, it is bulkier (thanks to the large bulbous front element) and slightly heavier. Diese Untersuchung interessiert sich für eine dogmatische Figur, welche Karl Barth ins Zentrum programmatischer Äußerungen stellte, an der sich aber auch massive Kritik an seiner Theologie entzündete: die Verhältnisbestimmung von ... It was a beast of an article, and I had pushed my CMS to its breaking point, literally. When I made the full time switch to Fuji, I really wanted to find a lens that could fill that massive void in my lens lineup. It’s a nice option for a wide angle if you shoot wide often. I’m looking forward to picking up an X-T4 for this reason. At $1,250, the 12mm costs $350 more than the Fuji XF 14mm, and it's also . At the press conference, the company stated that it was considered during the planning stage and it might come to later lenses. At f/2.8, the the Touit 12mm is already sharp at the center of the frame, and by f/4.0 the results are razor sharp. This prime can focus down to 18cm from the imaging plane which gives it a maximum magnification of 0.11X. Comparisons aside, the Touit 12mm has gotten the job done in low light when I need it to, but it has often left me wanting something faster. Zeiss has a couple of autofocus lines for mirrorless, including the full frame Batis line and then this APS-C mount Touit (pronounced "too-it") series. On the positive side, the Touit 12mm is a razor sharp performer from corner to corner, has decent autofocusing ability, and is very well built. Even more amazingly, I shot part of a wedding with this lens on the beach and despite how hard the wind was blowing, it suffered from no sand damage. Nachdruck der dritten Auflage aus dem Jahr 1921. If you're a wide-angle shooter with an NEX or Fuji X camera, the Carl Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 is an appealing . The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens for Fuji X-Mount is a scenery-encompassing lens, well suited for landscape and architectural photography. In this review, I’ll be covering everything that I love about the Touit 12mm f/2.8, as well as a few things that I’ve grown to dislike. At the other end of the aperture ring is f2.8: and it stops with a hard click. SAVE $800 ON ZEISS TOUIT 32MM/F1.8 + 12MM/F2.8 LENS COMBO. Second, I had a fairly bad experience with the AF speed and accuracy on early Fuji X bodies, and when I tried it out on a Sony E camera, it was even worse – the lens constantly hunted for focus, which was very annoying. General image quality can’t be complained about with this lens, but there are some areas on which it lacks. Now that that is all out of the way, the bokeh from this lens is stunning. posted Friday, May 3, 2013 at 4:03 PM . Fuji X-E2 . The user of this lens may be the typical Zeiss customer: the higher end that appreciates better build quality and image quality for the money. Sch nes Geschenk f r Medizinstudenten und zuk nftige rzte Produktinformationen: sehr gute Papierqualit: 90g/m2 edle Farbgestaltung der Seiten in Creme 6 x 9 Zoll, 120 Seiten, Erfolgsjournal zum Selbstausf llen Beschreibung: Du ... When we first had the chance to play with the lens, we were . Introduction. I notice the autofocus limitations most while traveling, as I take a lot of environmental portraits and candid shots. To evaluate the real-life performance of the Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 lens, I shot this landscape scene at every aperture setting using a Fujifilm X-Pro1 mounted on a tripod.ÂThe Fujifilm X-Pro1 was set to 200 ISO and the lens focused on the center of the composition. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Zeiss 32mm f/1.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras, Black, Model: 000000-2030-679 at Amazon.com. – The lens hood is made from plastic and doesn’t feel very Zeiss-like at all. By comparison, this is shorter than the Fuji 14mm lens which is equivalent to a 21mm lens with an 89° angle of view. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens (for Fuji) is a wide-angle prime lens designed specifically for use on APS-C-sized image sensors, and as such provides a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm. With a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm, the Touit 12mm is a great option for landscape and architectural photography. Instead what we found is some very excellent color and contrast when the X Pro 1 was set to Velvia mode. We almost never wanted to stop it down beyond f2.8 but in many sunny situations we needed to. Key features include: Wide-Angle X-Mount Lens. When putting together a lens review, I usually just take pictures for 6-12 months and then pull favorites from my Capture One and Lightroom catalogues for each review section. Im Buch gefundenFigure 53:The Zeiss Touit 1.8/32 isan interesting alternativeto Fuji's standard XF35mmFl.4 R primelens. ... It's worth mentioning that theTouit's 12mm focal length istoo wideforthe optical viewfinder ofthe XPro1(so you willhave touse ... Because of this, we actually believe that this lens might be the better built optic of the two. On the negative side of things, the aperture ring could use a little more resistance, and the bulbous size of this lens makes it a pain to travel with. VAT). Zeiss announced its Touit line of lenses in April of 2013 for Fujifilm X and Sony E APS-C mounts. Elements/Groups: 11/8 I love my Zeiss 12mm. Was: Previous Price C $1,307.20 . amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "tratopea04-20"; Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; That’s the only way that I was able to get the detail in the shadows near the bottom of the image. With metal comprising of most of the lens’s exterior, Zeiss chose to go with rubber for the focusing and aperture ring–citing complaints that the rings would be too cold to touch in freezing weather. (15) 15 product ratings - ZEISS Touit 12mm f/2.8 Aspherical AF MF Lens For Fujifilm. But like the Zeiss 15mm f2.8 that we reviewed a while back, there is distortion for sure near the edges. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. About a week ago I had a chance to try it out and I also took the Zeiss Distagon 12mm 2.8 T* out for a quick spin. This upset many Zeiss Touit owners, especially those who lived in regions where it was difficult and expensive to ship the lens internationally. The Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 was released around the same time as the Fujifilm XF 14mm f/2.8 R back in 2012 as part of a two-lens Touit lineup. Fujifilm X-T4 3.3% Fujifilm X-T3 2.4% Canon EOS R6 2.3% Canon EOS M50 Mark II (EOS Kiss M2) . The 14mm f2.8 is a lens that we reviewed, and it is surely worth it to note that the similar 12mm f2.8 Zeiss focused faster. This new edition of his Riviera Cocktail has all the fabulous and fascinating ingredients of the era: movie stars and starlets, gamblers and musicians, business magnates and faded nobility -- captured out and about on the sparkling Riviera ... First off, I’ll say as I always do, I see bokeh in two ways: It’s either a compliment to the photo or its a distraction. Read more about me…. Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 on camera, $900 in Sony mount and $900 in Fuji mount). The Carl Zeiss 12mm F2.8 lens boasts an angle-of-view range similar to that of an 18mm lens in a 35mm system. Also, please follow us on Facebook, Flickr and Twitter. This anti-reflective coating minimizes flares and other aberrations. By f/5.6 to f/11 (where I use this lens most), the vignetting isn’t noticeable at all. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 292Wenn Sie den Zwischenring MCEX-16 damit verbinden, kann der Abbildungsmaßstab Weitere interessante Objektive Neben den Objektiven von FUJIFILM haben auch die Hersteller Zeiss (Touit-Reihe mit 12mm f/2,8, 32mm f/1,8 und 50mm f/2,8 Macro) ... Zeiss has made it clear that they are not working with Cosina on this one. Please note this is not a pixel peeping analyses but just a quick take. If you can live without autofocus, go with the Samyang 12mm f/2, and if you don’t need to go as wide as 12mm, check out the XF 14mm f/2.8, XF 16mm f/2.8, or XF 16mm f/1.4. We shot a wedding with this lens, and we can highly recommend to you that you don’t place people or someone’s head near the edges lest they look like they’re being sucked into a time warp. At the moment of publishing this review, Adobe doesn’t have a fix for it in Lightroom. HOCHWERTIGE NOTIZB CHER F R ANSPRUCHSVOLLE LEUTE!Was du bekommst: Cooles Designs die so nicht im Handel erh ltlich sind! Affording an especially broad, 18mm equivalent field of view, the FUJIFILM X-mount Touit 12mm f/2.8 from ZEISS is a prime wide-angle lens well-suited for landscape, architecture, and interior shooting. I’m not interested in onion rings, cat eyes, aberrations, or astigmatisms, and steer clear of technical evaluations of bokeh. See It. In my seven months of use, I've found that the Touit 12mm is razor sharp and… The Fuji 14mm may be a tad sharper, but there is a wonderful even quality to the way the Zeiss renders which is especially welcome in a very wide angle lens. ZEISS Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens; Front Lens Cap; Rear Lens Cap; Lens Hood; Features. It's available in two versions for either the Sony NEX or Fujifilm X-mounts, and when fitted to either system, the lens delivers an 18mm equivalent field of view, making it the widest prime lens available for either format. Landscape, architecture, and travel photography is the sweet spot for the Touit 12mm f/2.8, and is the category I use this lens for most often. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a well built metal lens that has the same high quality and durable build of my Fuji lenses. Obviously there can be a lot of crossover in these categories, but I will address each one separately below. Buy on BH to help support the site: Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens (Fujifilm X-Mount) Or Amazon is always a good choice: Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras Rental costs come out of my pocket, so if you want to donate to your lens buying obsession and help me rent lenses please consider donating, it is about $50 a lens to rent. In these situations, slightly slow autofocus still beats out manual focus. The Distagon 12mm f/2.8 prime is the shortest focal-length currently available in the range and offers a 99-degree angle of view that provides the same coverage as an 18mm lens on a full-frame camera. Ergonomics section taken from our first impressions post. The autofocus on the Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a little noisy and can hunt in low light and when focusing on subjects close to the camera. I'm very fond of the 32/1.8 Touit even in comparison to the 35/1.4 and 35/2 Fuji models. However, we canât keep doing that unless we have your continued support. The Fuji has similar color and contrast, faster autofocus, better manual focus, is slightly sharper, costs $350 less and is smaller to boot. It uses a floating element design for consistent performance throughout the focusing range, and a DC autofocus motor for quick and quiet autofocus operation. 12mm 2.8 Zeiss Touit. If anything, it might have bene created by adding an extra contrast boost in post-production. Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 on camera, $1,250 in Sony mount and $1,250 in Fuji mount). C $1,210.92. The Touit 12mm provides corner to corner sharpness and relatively distortion free images which is perfect for temples, large buildings, and mountains. I took some pictures while it was lightly raining and the lens seemed fine afterward (once I wiped it off and let it dry up), but I would not risk shooting with the lens in heavy rain. It does a great job at reducing lens flare in daylight conditions, so I would recommend keeping it mounted at all times. Lens Mount Zeiss Touit 2.8/50M is compatible with cameras that have Fujifilm X lens mount. When you incorporate this lens sharpness with the way that the Fujifilm X Trans Sensor renders sharpness in images, you’ve got an extremely killer combination. In my initial research, I narrowed in on the Fuji XF 14mm f/2.8, the Samyang 12mm f/2, and the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8. Read more about Nasim here. My reason is simple: real world photo samples are what ultimately influence my purchasing decisions on new lenses. Jun 24, 2014 Trying to decide if the Zeiss is any better optically. Hi, I haven't got any personal experience of either lens but I think it would be fair to say the Fujifilm 10-24 would be a more flexible lens, although the Fuji is an F4 compared to F2.8 for the Zeiss, the Fuji does have image stabilisation so you could probably shoot at slower shutter speed to compensate for that quite easily. Being an 18mm equivalent, the Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 is currently the widest autofocus lens that you can buy for your Fuji X Series camera. What's more, all moving parts of the ZEISS Touit 2.8/12, conceived specifically for APS-C cameras of the Sony Alpha series with E-Mount and Fujifilm X Series, are engineered for extreme precision and a long service life. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 (Fuji X Mount) in the background compared to the Fuji XF18-55mm zoom in the foreground. The Distagon Floating Elements Design and the special coatings produce sharp images, rich colours and minimal distortion or aberrations edge to edge and throughout the entire focusing range. To get a good test of my compliment vs distraction evaluation, I’ve taken a few sample photos with busy backgrounds. Not a deal breaker for a lens, but annoying while on the go. The reason for this is because it has an aperture ring incorporated into the design. I cannot agree more that the 12mm is suitable for the landscape. If you're here to read about the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 for the Fujifilm X-mount, you've probably heard words like "great", "amazing", "superb", "lovely" and "well damped . Sold. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 89Fujifilm X – Pro 1, Zeiss Touit 12mm, f2,8, Blende 2,8, 1,2 Sekunden (!), ISO 2500. Die perfekte Fotohütte: das Matrashaus auf dem Gipfel des Hochkönigs. Kreativer Einsatz der ISO-Einstellung Die Flexibilität der Digitalkameras ... To evaluate corner and edge sharpness, the images below show the bottom right corner of a topo map. Make no mistake–this is a Zeiss lens. While I wouldn’t really describe it was creamy, I would aim more for the words, “ethereal” and “dreamy.”. And finally, its strong and rigid metal bayonet mount makes it an absolutely dependable companion for many years to come. In that time, the Zeiss Batis 18mm f/2.8 (review here) rarely came off of my camera. Combine that with the fact that it becomes an 18mm f3.8 due to the APS-C sized sensor, and it is even tougher. While I found the lens to be optically solid, I simply could not justify paying $1,250 for a wide-angle APS-C lens, when Fuji’s superb 14mm f/2.8 R was $350 cheaper. I was finally able to obtain a sample copy of the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 in the summer of 2013, and after testing the lens out for a few months, I decided to return it. Zeiss used a Distagon optical design for this lens. Zeiss debuts Touit lenses for Sony, Fuji mirrorless cameras. Lens Mount Carl Zeiss Touit 1.8/32 is compatible with cameras that have Fujifilm X lens mount. The 12mm is just too wide for my tastes and I don't have any need for a macro lens (like the Touit 50/2.8). Das Werk liefert einen Beitrag zu einer transparenten und widerspruchsfreien Auslegung der Grundfreiheiten. However, at around 1000EUR/US$ the pricing is similar to competing lenses such as the Fujinon XF 14mm . The aperture will go from f2.8 to A modeâwhich means auto. Fujifilm XE-1, Zeiss Touit 12mm, ISO 1600, f/2.8, 1/50. ISO 200. The Zeiss Touit X 12mm f/2.8 is a high-quality wide-angle lens designed for Fuji X-mount cameras. The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 Touit lens is currently the widest autofocusing lens for the Fujifilm X series interchangeable lens camera system. It's one of two current autofocusing Touit lenses in the E- and X-mounts for the Sony NEX and Fujifilm X-series interchangeable-lens compact cameras, both with APS-C formats. Make sure to subscribe to receive notifications of new posts by email. The Touit 12mm f/2.8 comes in a $999, but I can’t imagine anyone paying this price for a new one. Review: Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 (Fujifilm X Mount). 12mm 2.8 Zeiss Touit for Fujifilm in good condition. In this review, we will take a closer look at the Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 and see how it compares to other Fujifilm X lenses. Als Fitnesstraining werden freizeitsportliche Aktivit ten bezeichnet, die dazu dienen, die k rperliche Leistungsf higkeit (Fitness) und damit auch die Gesundheit verbessern oder zu erhalten. Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS. As expected from Zeiss, the build quality of the Touit 12mm f/2.8 is excellent. When they purchase this lens, they’ll be rewarded with fast autofocusing and excellent image quality on top of the already mentioned stellar construction. Not too long ago my primary camera setup was all Sony full frame. The center and edge sharpness of the Touit 12mm wide open really helps me capture scenes this way, and has made it a solid performer when called upon. Though the 35mm f1.4 isn’t a comparable lens at all, note that Fujifilm has done lots of firmware updates to it to improve its speed. Der aus der Kunstwissenschaft entlehnte und erweiterte Begriff Kuratieren wird zu einem neuen Paradigma für Bibliotheken. Auch sie sind kuratorisch tätig, beim Sammeln, Erschließen und Präsentieren oder bei der Gestaltung von Räumen. A sophisticated Distagon optical design includes two aspherical elements and three low dispersion elements, which help to control a variety of aberrations, distortion, and color fringing in . We tested the lens in both good lighting and low lighting and generally focused with the same speed. With a super wide rectilinear 99° field of view, this lens is perfect for travel, landscape, and architecture. This lightweight lens is great for everyday travel photography and is compact enough for you to carry it with you everywhere you go. Vignetting and distortion can be a major problem with wide angle lenses, but not so with the Touit 12mm. Carl Zeiss's Touit lenses are available in two variants to suit Fujifilm X-series and Sony NEX cameras respectively. // ]]> The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 is designed for travel, landscape, and architecture photography needs. Read Our Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS Review. I actually had to take the Touit 12mm out for a quick photoshoot to grab a few bokeh samples for the small handful of readers that will care. Firstly they showed two devices: the ultra wide-angle 2.8/12 and the standard 1.8/32. He also likes pizza. When we set it to Astia, we were still able to get some very nice colors but in all honesty, this lens should be best used with the Velvia color setting. From what we know, the church was built in 1882. It features full electronic compatibility with Fuji X-mount camera features . I shot in RAW mode and processed the files in Adobe Camera RAW using . The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 Touit lens is made from all metal on the outside with rubber rings for focusing. However, if you need 12mm, then the Zeiss is your lens. Its sweet spot is around f4 or f5.6. However, at less 1000EUR/US$ the pricing is similar to competing lenses incl. It’s important for me to see how a lens performs in situations that are similar to how and where I shoot. I launched this blog to inspire readers to get outside and explore. A Touit is a bird in the parrot family and has little to do with lenses but there you have it. The Carl Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 is a wide-angle prime lens designed for mirror-less system cameras. Understanding Camera Lenses: A Beginner’s Guide, Focal Length (35mm format equivalent): 12mm (18mm), Lens Construction (Elements / Groups): 11 / 8, Special Lens Elements: 2 Aspherical, 3 Anamolous Partial Dispersion Elements, Weight: 260g (Sony E-Mount), 270g (Fujifilm X-Mount). This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This bright prime has a 12mm focal-length. I will say that I find 12mm (18mm) a little too wide as a general purpose hiking lens, as it captures a little too much foreground for my taste. The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 Touit lens is currently the widest autofocusing lens for the Fujifilm X series interchangeable lens camera system. I'd like to own both, but since I could only afford one I chose the wider lens. Although it is only compatible with the Fujifilm X-mount APS-C mirrorless cameras, it works seamlessly with the camera's functions, such as exposure control and autofocus. Willkommen im wilden Wedding, jenem Berliner Bezirk, der wahlweise als eines der härtesten Krisengebiete des Landes oder als kommender In-Bezirk gepriesen wird. How good is it? The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 looks like what may be one of the most high end lenses for the mirrorless camera systems so far. He is such a special boy and such a joy to be around. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 was released together with the 32mm f/1.8 lens, while the third 50mm f/2.8 Macro came out a bit later in January of 2014. By the time Zeiss adjusted its pricing to a more affordable level of $999 a few years later, I was already shooting with the excellent XF 10-24mm f/4 R lens, which I found to be much more practical for my photography needs. Fuji-X-Secrets macht viele exklusive Inhalte der populären Fuji-XSecrets Camera- und RAW-Workshops von Rico Pfirstinger in Buchform zugänglich und liefert dabei in verständlicher Form eine Fülle nützlicher Tipps und Tricks für alle ... Their speed and versatility make for great options when capturing life on the street. Dimensions: 3.46″ x 2.68″ I love having my buddy wake up early and join me on the morning dog walks. BTSEphoto 8: misty butter (deleted) 7 years ago Best aperture setting on Fuji X mount: dennisphang54 0: dennisphang54 4 years ago One year of Touit - show us your best image! In these photos and others, I find that the out-of-focus area is busy and pretty distracting. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 has an all-metal mount. If you would like to purchase any of the items mentioned, please do so by clicking our links first and then purchasing the items as we then get a small portion of the sale to help run the website. I’ve seen that lens pop up online, but haven’t had a chance to try it out. Keeping the birthday tradition alive at sunrise. amzn_assoc_linkid = "adf3268454f41de8afc78cfd7ac2c66d"; The lens was subjected to a bump on a turnstile in the NYC subway system and suffered no damage. The stepped and clickable aperture ring on the Touit 12mm has the same rubber finish. Even when shooting in harsh directional sunlight, this lens hood gets the job done. From this standpoint, the Fuji X and Sony E lenses are much more reliable – they provide quicker and more accurate autofocus capabilities. He is recognized as one of the leading educators in the photography industry, conducting workshops, producing educational videos and frequently writing content for Photography Life. The reason for this is the dated DC motor. The Zeiss 32mm f1.8 E Touit Lens Fujifilm X-Mount Fit is a compact AF lens and has been specially made to fit the Fujifilm X compact system cameras that feature an X-mount. Firstly, we should note that this lens is a 12mm f2.8–and that it is extremely tough to get any bokeh at any aperture or focusing distance. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 was released together with the 32mm f/1.8 lens, while the third 50mm f/2.8 Macro came out a bit later in January of 2014. Although the autofocus performance got better with time, thanks to constant Fuji X camera firmware updates, Sony folks complained about the hunting issues for a number of years. My biggest source of support is when you use any of these links, especially these links to the Sony version and the Fuji version, when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live. Kit Savings: Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras - Bundle - with 67mm UV Multi-Coated Filter, Flashpoint CapKeeper Model CK-2 Lens Cap Leash, and Adorama 1836A Cleaning Kit for Optics and Cameras MFR: 2030-527 A. The focusing system of the Touit lenses is des Compared to the metal aperture rings on high-end XF lenses, the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 has a very thin rubber ring as well, which is unfortunate. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; The other lens is a 32mm f/1.8. The plastic lens hood for the XF 12mm f/2.8 is massive and provides very nice coverage and protection. The Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a wide angle APS-C autofocus lens made by Zeiss for Fujifilm X-mount cameras (and Sony e-mount). Its 32mm f1.8 counterpart though did suffer from sand damage getting into the focusing ring and so it sometimes froze up after a while. Although the 50mm Zeiss Touit aperture ring does feel better, I do not think that the 12mm aperture ring is too loose. ZEISS Camera Lenses 1: ChubbyLens 6 years ago First thoughts of owning the Touit 12mm. The Touit lens offers a combination of a wide field of view in APS-C format with stunning image performance. The focus ring on the Touit 12mm is smooth and well dampened, but its rubbery surface is a bit of a dust magnet. And os the Zeiss tout 12mm f/2.8 worth the 850 Bucks? Holding the lens in hands, one can appreciate the high-quality metal, plastic, and rubber components that were used as part of the lens design. Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Sony E-mount NEX Cameras Features. Harga: ZEISS TOUIT 32mm f1.8 FUJIFILMRp6.000.000: Harga: ZEISS Touit 32mm f/1.8 Lens for FUJIFILM X / ZEISS Touit 32mmRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa ZEISS Touit 32mm f1.8 Lens for FUJIFILM X Mount - Lensa APSCRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa ZEISS Touit 32mm f1.8 Lens for Sony E Mount - Lensa APSCRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 for Sony E .
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